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Alyeska East Annual Condo Association Meeting
February 11, 2012
Meeting started 4:34

Attended: Scott Kirk, Di with Alyeska Resort, Falconer, Shortridge, Burgh, VonWichman, Kruchoeski, Randall, Kemp, Derrick, Hellén, Greenhalgh.

Reading of the minutes: Brian motion to approve without reading. Seconded.

President report: Deferred

Mangers report: We currently have $56,000 in operating accounts and $29,984 in our savings account. We loaned ourselves $35,000. It needs to be returned to operating account from savings.

In reserves we have $43,725 paint, $15,000 roof and $2,000 legal.

Management would like to remind condo owners to please use dues clips when making payment. Parking permits have been mailed but may become obsolete. Dumpsters that we use are at end of parking lot. Board is currently in a discussion with hotel about putting dumpsters next to Sitzmark so they don’t stick out as much and be used by others. Management encourages all owners to check smoke detectors, CO detectors and have a working fire extinguisher. Electric baseboards can cause fire. Please keep things away from the baseboard heaters. Leaving ski equipment and other personal equipment and garbage in halls is prohibited. Call if there is problem. Please discourage use of laundry by others.

Comment- Distribute new laundry room keys- board will discuss it at a later date.

Add hoc remodel committee: They didn’t formalize any plans. Board will make a list of what needs to be done and go from there.

Election of directors: no positions open this year.

Old business: Finished pitched roof. We still need to complete beams and new boards need to be painted so that they blended together.

New business: Budget: The budget was sent out to condo owners and approved by board. Brian made a motion to approve which was seconded.

Tax Resolution- A motion to apply unused funds as a credit for subsequent years. Motion seconded.

Insurance resolution: Motion: Be it resolved that condo association requires owners to carry insurance. A good way to require insurance would be to have the bylaws changed and not depend on building insurance policy. Encouraged the board to rewrite bylaws and ask insurance company what is covered. Silvertip is doing theirs, so the board will review what they have done.

Website: www.alyeskaeast.org Brad said the website is up and running. By-laws other information is on the website.

Parking- Brian met with Alyeska and has been working with an attorney to create a parking agreement. It is a written agreement for a 10-year contract to share parking in the south side lot. 7 spots will be reserved for Alyeska. We would receive 50 parking permits for our association to park in reserved parking. Doesn’t guarantee parking on a busy weekend but it does help. Alyeska will take out some trees to provide a few more spots. They have removed boats and other equipment so we would have more parking. New permits will be issued one per condo. We can still park out front of Bake Shop. If you see someone parking in reserved parking please ask him or her to move. Parking is for Alyeska employees that are working and not for those skiing for the day. The agreement requires one year for either party to change the agreement. Alyeska says they will have security make regular rounds and they will be putting orange stickers on cars. They will be quicker to tow. Alyeska asks us not to park on side of creek lower lot when it snows so they can move snow. The association will pay a maintenance fee of $5,000 a year, up from $2,400 a year, to pay for snow and ground maintenance. The fee will not change for ten years. Property rights will remain the same. Our attorney is working to get the right wordings so that liability issues for skiers running into our property or someone falls or if there is a fight we are mutually insured. Alyeska left the berm so that skiers can’t run into our condo. We have a snow blower coming to move snow so we will let Alyeska know. Brian stated we have great communication with Alyeska.

Comment: We need more signage that alerts public we will tow. When will we get new permits- soon?

Art: Daniel bought back country ski photos blown up and matted to hang in the entry way for $1000. He will put them up with security hangers so no one can wander off with them. We have money for capital improvement. Motion that the board helps pay the cost of photos. Seconded. We also want to take some black and white shots and some of the old photos.

Condo owner Bud Gibbs passed away last week and a celebration will be held tomorrow at the hotel ballroom.

Comments from owners: Lower door needs to be fixed. Carpet for steps need to be fixed. We have requested a plumbing with leaks in bathroom. Requests need to be done on a timely manner. Thanks to Scott for showing up rapidly when stuff has gone wrong. Maybe we should move the door to the outside to keep rain and snow out. Lock on door next to Sitz is breaking down. Do we need a whole new door and door jams? Scott checked into it and was quoted $5,000 a piece. Will send the bid to the board to review.

Association has no serious delinquencies in dues. As long as you pay dues all of them before the end of February you get the 5% discount. Scott requested we pay insurance with those funds. Motion and seconded.

Roof shoveling- Holland came out and gave us a bid for pitched and flat said they only needed to do flats and then they came up and do the chimneys came out to $8,000. If we had gone with anyone else it would have voided our 5-year warranty.

Windows: Many condo owners will be updating their windows this summer if you are interested in getting in on a great deal, contact Brad Von Wichman. We need to match the same color of the building. Be careful that those that install are not those who order the glass and they forget to seal the windows on the outside. We can get winter sale prices if we order by February. Check with Brad von Wichman to see the bid. SBS can’t do triple pane bid doesn’t include man lift. Nabors does Capital glass and they had the best bid. Alyeska glass told them that we needed permits to do windows. Check with Alyeska to be sure that we can get them in. Inside color can be different. Can paint exterior vinyl. It is just expensive.

Want to have the railings done on the mountainside. Match them so that match the new ones. Board will add it to –to-do list.

Did we need to paint this summer? Scott feels we could get by with a touch up but the board will go around the building to make up a to do list.

Meeting adjourned 5:13


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